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As you travel the
Florida Keys you will come to appreciate the
green and white mile markers (MM) that are
placed all along US 1. These roadside markers
tell you how far you are from Key West from
anywhere in the Keys. The mile marker numbers
begin with 127 (Florida City) and end with 0 in
Key West. They are a holdover from the
Overseas Railroad and a very handy reference.
Addresses and maps often include mile markers
for easier location. So 10750 US 1 would
be half way between the signs 107 and 108. If
you ask a local for directions they will refer
to a mile marker. In addition they will
also reference "bay side" (BS) or "ocean side"
(OS). You would think they would just say
north south east or west but US 1 does not run
north and south as it seems to. It
actually runs mostly northeast, southwest.
It's just easier to know if what you are looking
for is located bay side or ocean side. For more information please check out these links: mile-markers.org keyshistory.org/MileMarkerChart |
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